Friday, September 15, 2017

Note about Advising Theatre

Devised Theatre--- Collaborative Creation: A form of theatre where the script originates not from a writer(s), but from collaborative, usually improvisatory, work by a group of people.
Typically begins with little more than a rehearsal space and a group of eager, committed theatre practitioners.  Through a series of improvisatory theatre games or other conceptual ice-breakers.
A process in which the whole creative team develops a show collaboratively.  From actors to technicians, everyone is involved in the creative process.
  • Begin by focusing on form
  • Then extract thematic ideas and work with them retrospectively
  • Often use games as a starting point
  • Depends on a lot of the style of the performance group
  • Start with building characters and then build narrative strands together out of the character-based improvisational interaction.

Related to today’s class, I have a chance to get to know my identity in the class. If there is any Devising Theatre we are going to do as a project, I think I will be a good participant.  Saying from another way, I cannot be a director (if they need a director at late of the project).  Director should be the person who is full of passion and who can impress others.  Even though I have passion, I am still too quiet and hesitate to let others follow my order.  However, I think I can be a good ideas presenter.  I would love to collect others’ ideas and suggest a common idea that all of us can accept.    

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