It is a hilarious and fantastic show! The spring improv, Propless, is comprised of many small improvising acting games. The show is in the lecture hall instead of the black box, which it brings more casual and relaxing elements into the show. The show is directed by Sam Weed with Julia Rafferty, Aaron Luo, Helen Zheng, Nan Zhou, Ray Dong, Julia Shatalov, Mao Inoue, Jerry Yu, Krystal Charter, and Olivia Williamson. They literally are amazing and creative. The show might not be great without them. Of course, the participants are also helpful and passionate. During the show, I was sitting in the chair, clapping all the time, and I could not stop laughing.
In the show, I love the game of translating the most. Two people sitting on the chair to communicate with each other in the different language to solve the problem, and there are two people standing back the two people and being their interpreters. The communication is really funny. For the first group, Jerry and Aaron mainly focus on the body language and emotional expression by changing their pitch and exaggerating the arm work. They are facing divorce, and the story looks completed. Thanks to the two interpreters and actors, I think they also show the complicated reaction from different kinds of people. Some people will hesitate and want to redeem a failed marriage, but the other people might be tougher and decisive. For this show, I was laughing at the beginning and then felt sad about it immediately when Jerry stopped fighting and being quiet. The contrast that the show gave to the audience is excellent. I do not think they all designed this. They really might do not think too much. This improvising is great. The second translating game is performed by Nan, Ray, Krystal, and Daniel. Nan and Ray showed a totally different skill from Aaron and Jerry's performance. They emphasized a rhythm of sound and the timbre. It is like a pitched percussion, which is really interesting. I like this idea. Daniel participated well especially in translating the first sentence. I forgot what he said, but he imitated the rhythm and coughing sound.
I also like the Aaron, Ray, Nan, and Julia R's acting on dating performance. Sometimes, when you are improvising, it is hard to keep the active body language and facial expression. However, they really did a good job. They vividly imitated temperament of that groups of the people (and Mr. Cirmo). Moreover, for the last game, I love Olivia's idea when she wanted to drive Helen away from the bench. Actually, Olivia has a lot of good ideas and wonderful punchlines, but I especially like this idea because I think the thought might be too hard to have. She is like an agent from CIA in the Marvel comics who wants to scare some strangers so that they can get their mission done. I hysterically love this joke. She did not even talk and look at Helen, and she just made it!
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