Tuesday, May 8, 2018

WC Reflection

          It has been a long time from the last revision.  Now, when we open the work, and we can see there are still a lot of problems in it.  My biggest problem is the conclusion.  I do not know why I just wrote one paragraph of conclusion.  The conclusion paragraph has five lines, six sentences, which is much shorter than the other paragraph.  Especially compared to the introduction, the introduction could be the two or three times of the conclusion, so when we read, we will feel the essay is unfinished, or it is an anticlimax.  Therefore, I have to expand my conclusion to revise it more interesting, thoughtful, and detailed.  I can write about the fun facts or feelings after the performance.  I can write about how uncomfortable my custom is and how I work with my partner.  I can also write about what I learned from this performance and what I learned from this character.  I do not know whether it is good to write, but I can additionally discuss the other groups' Amanda, and the acting knowledge or the understanding to the character I learned.

          The other improvement of the essay should be the topic ending sentences and thesis statement.  Actually, I cannot believe I wrote my thesis statement so vaguely after so many labs I wrote.  The thesis statement is as important as the hypothesis which needs to be logical and detailed.  I think it is good to write the purpose of the performance and how you will portray your character as thesis statement instead of pointing out what you will explore on only.  The topic sentence of each paragraph has less problem than the ending sentences.  In fact, ending sentences are not the things that I focused on before, so it probably will not be a big challenge for me.  The last problems are grammar, in-text citation format, title page and works cited.  Today in class, I already changed the in-text citation, title page, and works cited.  Then, after solving the conclusion and ending sentences problem, I will go to the writing center to fix my grammar.  This blogger must have grammar mistakes...haha...  An interesting fact is that when I graded my paper and then see the scores that the others graded to me, there is no such a huge difference between the scores.  Similarly, the score I graded for my partner and the score she graded are really close as well.  Therefore, it demonstrates that we will definitely do better if we judge our work strictly like other did.   

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