Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Self Evaluation

Self Evaluation

Analysis of the literary features of the text: 2
Exploration of the chosen approach to the text: 5-6
Use of language, structure: 3

Total: 10-11

When I read my essay at first, I thought the essay was acceptable, but actually, it is not.  For the analysis of the literary features of the text part, I need to give the references, which I forgot to give quotes in the first draft.  Therefore, I need to revise the analysis part with more details.  However, it is more important for me to add more explorations of the chosen approach to the text with details.  Even though I am some happy with the exploration part, it does not occupy a large space in my essay.  I need to discuss more what I did to shape my character.  After both two done, I will focus on grammar, but the grammar revising will probably be the third draft's task.

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