Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Haiku poems

1. What an extremely frighten person could do

The bird hear a clap
thinks it's a dangerous trap
so it screams to chap

2. Have a rest

You can take a nap
We won't loudly chat and clap
Please have a good rest   

3.  David's poem

we ate chicken wraps
They taste good we start to clap
we ate chicken wraps

4. From David's

We love chicken wraps
They taste great we start to clap
We can make the wraps  

When I read David's poems, I like his wraps poem, because it sounds simple and lovely.  I can imagine the scene that people eat wraps and are so joyful.  The poem is so happy that it can be infectious.  I think a good poem is simple, rhythmic, and can be infectious.  It can also show a scene, an emotion, or a truth.

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