Monday, April 1, 2019

Reading Note 2

        Desiree found the man, called Daniel, and the other villagers came.  They concerned whether they should do.  In the end, Tonton Julian went the direction that Daniel was going to and M. Bienaime went the direction that Daniel came from.  They were going to find the family of Daniel or the people who knew Daniel.  In these days, Daniel was carried to Desiree's home and was took care of by Desiree.  Not for a day, the rain and storm came, and the village people shifted to the top of the mountain.  Mama Euralie was so desperate and angry with the gods.  She was stressed, worried about her missing Julian, a daydreaming girl Desiree, and the lives that we will have.  One night, "Papa Ge" came to Desiree and Daniel.  He asked for Daniel's life, but Desiree was so unwilling that she would not give Daniel's life to him.  Papa Ge left, and the day after turned back to the sunny days.  
       Helicopter arrived.  Monsieur Gabriel Deauxhomme came out.  He looked for his boy Daniel Deauxhomme and thanked Euralie and left Julian five gourdes.  Then Gabriel took his son and left.  The visit had taken less than ten minutes.  Seven days later after they went, Julian came back.  Mama Euralie praised the gods again.

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