Tuesday, January 8, 2019


  1. What is working:
    David Wang:
    • The scene changes; like when should I go on the stage and when should I leave the stage.
    • The tone in voice(emotion expression); the emotion is spread to the audience during the performance.
    • The relationship between characters; by looking our performance, audience can easily understand that I am Caroline’s fiancĂ©.
    • Some subtle movements(the giggles for example)
    David Dai:
    • The position that I have to stand during the scene
    • Emotion expression, like increase the volume, add more body language, and have facial expression.
    • I need to memorize the lines well, in order to not forget. I also have to pay attention on other’s lines
    • Practice more on how to be a mom
    Grace Sun:
    • The relationship is showed clearly.
    • I should pay more attention on the arm movement
    • Not so sure what a real Haitian’s life.  The figure of Caroline can be good, but I’m going to check out the haitian americans accents and their lifestyles in free time to make the character more real.
    • The emotion change is good.

    Personal Improvements (Plans)
    David Wang:
    • Lines’ memorization(1/9--1/11)
    • Need to add more body movements(1/14--1/18)
    • Working on the acting with music(1/21--1/25)
    • The voice needs to be louder. In the video I can barely hear my voice.
    • Figuring out how to connect my acting with other characters. How to make the performance look naturally and smoothly. (1/14--1/18)
    David Dai:
    • (1.9-1.10) memorize the lines
    • (1.11-1.13) memorize the position that I have to stand
    • (1.14-18) practice on performance, try to practice on express the emotions
    • (1.21-1.25)practice with two teammates be familiar with the whole play, prepare for the final recording
    Grace Sun:
    1. Before 1/11(1/13):  
      1. Modify all the lines and print the scripts.
      2. Buy two teddy bears
      3. Work on Aaron & Nan’s music composition (Print out the 1st draft)
    2. 1/14--1/18:
      1. The improvement of memorization and pronunciation.
      2. Practice more on moving triangle
      3. Modify and record the music compositions  (print out 2nd draft)
    3. 1/21--1/25:
      1. Do rest of music compositions
      2. Fully prepared the performance
    Group Plans
    1. 1/8--1/11 Music Marking Check:  We are going to figure out the best time that music start and the time the music ends.(timing of music)
    2. 1/14--1/18: Stage and tech practice (Most works should be done), and especially the scene change should be practiced.
      1. 1/14--1/16: Check all lines.  Figure out the cues. Practice by lines
      2. 1/17--1/18: Go over the whole play as many times as possible.
    3. 1/21--1/25: Preparations and Recording

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