Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Individual update

Individual update due -- Post on your blog what you have been working on, how it's going, what else you need to do to improve your project -- 300 words. Prepare to present your ideas in class as well.

        Recently, I have been working on the memorization of the script for my group and writing music for Nan and Aaron's group.  I believe that my group's performance is pretty solid.  I like David and David's performance.  One David acts mom, nagging and having the mood all the time; and the other David act Eric, always being honest and patient.  What we need is the practice with light and music, and we might record the video next week.  Besides it, I should practice my pronunciation of words.  I hope that I can speak each word loudly and clearly.  If it is possible, I would love to have some Haitian Accent.  I am also considering adding or deleting the music, but since we haven't practiced with music, I will make the decision after the performance tomorrow.  For the prop, we are not going to use teddy bear and tear it apart.  We will only tear the teddy bear on the real recording day.  Therefore, for tomorrow, we will cut one teddy bear so that we can tear it apart easily on the performance day.  That is a risk, but I think we can do it well.  The last challenge is moving the triangle.  It is not difficult to move a triangle, but moving the triangle without showing my hands and moving the triangle in the right position would be a problem to me.  I will practice moving the triangles next.

        For Nan and Aaron's project, I was thinking about writing the measures that can cue the singers. It is challenging writing music for performance with singer singing, but I really enjoy it.  Actually, I am also thinking about whether to change the instrumentation's accompaniment style for one of the songs they sing.  I am also worried about the tempo because sometimes there are not enough measures for performers to get used to the music's tempo.  Another challenge is the cooperation when the performance date comes.  I will be the person that controls the sound effect and music for them.  I should ensure the music comes in at the right time.  I hope my music can match their performance, and we need a lot of practices.

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