Monday, December 3, 2018

Uta Hagen's Nine Questions

Uta Hagen’s Nine Questions 

1. Who am I? Who is your character?

Name: Caroline
Age:  23
Physical traits:  She is thin but not skinny, tall but not strong.  She was born in one arm, but she is not bothered by her disableness.  (she might be frustrated for a while when she was young, but when she grew up, she got used and embraced her disableness.). Unlike her sister, who wear dark color all the time, pink is her color.
Relatives:  Has a sister, Grace, and her mother. 
Personality:  She is a little bit quiet, but she is also outgoing as well.  She is optimistic and innocent.  
Like:  She likes sweet. 
Dislikes:  She does not mind bone soup, but when she is asked to drink it every day, she is annoyed by bone soup.
Beliefs:  She is not religious, even though she goes to Christan church and does the religious activities with her mom.  She loves Christmas.

2. What time is it?

21 century.  2018.  The reason is that it is hard to assign the customs and 

3. Where am I?

Identify the country, the city/town, the neighborhood, the building, the room, the specific area of the room.

4. What surrounds me? What is happening in the environment around you?

Weather, landscape, people, animate/inanimate objects.

5. What are the given circumstances?

Identify events in the past, present, future. What has happened, what is happening, what is going to happen?

6. What are my relationships?

This is more than your relationship to other people. Think about your relationship to objects, characters, and events.

7. What do I want? What do you want immediately? What does the character want overall?

8. What is in my way? What are the obstacles to getting what you want?

9. What do I do to get what I want? What actions do you take (both physically and verbally)? What tactics?

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