Sunday, April 15, 2018

This Is Just to Say

I have eaten      4
the plums          2
that were in       3
the icebox         3

and which                      2
you were probably         5
saving                            2
for breakfast                  3

Forgive me                       3
they were delicious          5
so sweet                            2
and so cold                        3

I heard lots of "o" sound, and it would normally be a sound of appreciation or a sound of astonishing.  In the first stanza, the lines also contain "th" at the beginning of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th line, and many "i:" wound in the last stanza, such as "me" "delicious" "sweet".  Additionally, "s" is applied to almost every line.  It rhymed.  There are also many plosive letters, such as "p" "b", so the feeling of the sound is short and good.  When I read the poem, the picture is quite bright and funny.  It is like a young boy who is easy to be persuaded.  He wanted the plum so hard that he could not stop himself to not eat it, even though he knew it is a not right thing to do.

The poem is like a note, which is simple and informal.  It could be "written" after the boy ate the plum, and he just felt a little bit sorry for the plum owner who could not enjoy the plum in the morning.  It could also be written before the boy ate the plum to show that the boy was ready to eat it, and then "forgive me" is more like a comfort to the plum owner which does not necessarily means the narrative is sorry.  I love this poem because it is lively and vivid.  I could feel the naughtiness of the narrative.  There is a hesitation in the second stanza because the narrative thought of the plum owner, but the struggle only lives for one second.  He was like he felt sorry for the owner but whatever, he just wanted the plum. 

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