Thursday, October 19, 2017

Paragraph Practice

The beginning of the tragedy is always with someone's death.  Therefore, the people or the events that cause the death should be under the spotlight.  In Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio is the person that should be blamed.   He started an argument with Tybalt first and triggered a fight with him, and then Tybalt stabbed Mercutio to death.  If Mercutio learned to control his temper and did not argue with Tybalt, Mercurio would not die, and then Romeo would not kill Tybalt and get banishment.  Before the scene, even though there is a fight between servants, people stayed in peace.  Tybalt saw Romeo in the dance party, but he did not rush to Romeo and beat him; Although Benvolio could not stand with Capulets, he advocated peace.  Tybalt has a bad temper, but he can control it.  In the scene, when he comes to find Romeo with anger, he treats Benvolio and Mercutio politely.  Tybalt says to Mercutio and Benvolio, "Gentlemen, good den, a word with one of you."  Clearly, Tybalt did not want to get trouble with any of them.  However, Mercutio plays words game with Tybalt to trouble him.  Tybalt gets steps back, but Mercutio did not stop annoying him.  Finally, Mercutio suggests a fight, and he dies.  His death causes Romeo's fury, and the serial consequence comes after leading the story to tragedy.  

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